Monday, April 2, 2007

First Quarter Meeting Highlights

The first quarter meeting pushed through last March 31, 2007. Besides the busy schedules of the officers and members of the MOGCHS 1988 Alumni, each found time to include the event in their Sabado Night to-do list. Pertinent issues were discussed particularly on the following:

1. Financial Report;
2. Proposed projects for our beloved Campus;
3. MOGCHS 1988 Alumni Blog site;

Ms. Rowena Rodriquez-Raflores will be squaring it off with Ms. Gemma Alcantar-Jimeno who is absent, sometime in the next quarter to finalize FR. Expenses incurred during the previous reunion were also discussed. A complete FR will be posted here soon.

Proposed projects suggested includes - 1) Books, Textbooks, and Library Materials; 2) Drinking Fountain; and 3) Sets of Computer for Library Use. Hope I didn’t forget any. We will gladly accept more suggestions and comments regarding this matter guys. Please help us out!

This blogsite was agreed to serve as TEMPORARY website/blogsite for our batch. So, any issues regarding Batch 88 matter will be posted here. Please copy the URL ( and pass it around especially to our friends abroad. All Batch 88’s are more than welcome to post comments here! Spare me the critics, but sorry I’m still a neophyte in making blog site. Someone has suggested tapping a fellow batch mate to make an official website. Any volunteers, please raise your hands and say yeah!

Present during the meeting were the following dedicated people - true to their promise to serve their alma mater...awwwww – me of course, the ever beautiful Rowena Rodriguez, Leonil "kulot" Pabilona, the inseparable Haydee & Arman Tagoylo, the energetic Pat Revaño, the pineapple guy Jessie Libres (his from del monte guys), and fresh from the Taliban-rich country, Glenn Loong, who braves his way home and endure the pains and aches of "palokpok" just to attend the meeting…eat your heart out Leonidas.
Here are some photos taken during the said event. Nobody brought a digital camera so we settle for the ever dependable 1-mp cellphones. Sorry guys, we’ll do better shots next time.

From L - R: Leonil, Jessie, Pat, Rowena, Haydee, Arman, and me...Glenn is behind the camera

I told ya Glenn is here...cant miss 'em on the right.

Next meeting is tentatively scheduled come June 2, 2007 at Rowena's place.

Kudos guys!